Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 17 - Tasty Milk

We had PM practical in the morning today and we finished the whole thing already! :D Yay! It seemed so quick! Time pass so quickly too. Anyway, we had Vegetarian lunch at HanHui' again. Like for dinner last night and for today's lunch too. But seriously, the vegetarian is damn good! Really! Damn good! Hahaha! Maybe I eat a little more, I will get terribly sick of it. Anyway, we made the last touches of our PowerPoint slide and presented it at 3pm. We were suppose to present it to the whole class but I do not know due to what, we presented to Mr Chia only! :D heheheh.

And yes! I drank TWO packs of milk today! Can't wait for more milk! I am not very use to not drinking milk as I love milk and drink it almost every morning! And I just realised the hostel provision shop sells milk! I am going to have it EVERY morning man! And it taste DAMN good like Magnolia Milk!
And yes too! I finally got some time to do some editing to my blog! :D
Edited the first few post and my layout too.

Anyway, I thought I won't be going out. A knock came at 6.45pm asking us whether we want to go to the Vegetarian restaurant for dinner. The boss treating us steamboat and he purposely closed the shop for us as he earned alot income from us. So most of us went and had super spicy steamboat there. I ate a lot man! I love the spiciness! Totally awesome! He wanted us to go play pool but we had much more things to do and rejected the boss man. Sigh. I think he's damn disappointed la. We must repay him one day man! Before we go back. He is really a very kind man!

And the boss taught us how to fold this and the ingredients to it.
This is really damn nice!

We girls headed for shopping along the back street while some went back first and some went to the supermarket. And I bought a cool pinky sweater. Crap! Cause I have like 10+ sweaters at home already! And I still get sweater. Sigh.. I want to get tops and bottoms please!!! HAHAH! Went back after and talked to my family and loved ones! Yay!! :D
Nothing much happened for today but it was really kind of the boss of the vegetarian restaurant to treat us a meal man! Some more it's a huge one! And I realised that no one started the meal until everyone was here. Was we waited for Weilin, Yi Xian and Agnes for almost 30minutes before everyone could start dinner. They should finish eating before going shopping. But we had a great dinner too! :D Everyone was so happy and joy was shared among everyone.

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