Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4 - PM & OIE

We slept late last night as Shi Ling, WeiLin and I were talking about our life and getting to know each other better. School starts at 9am this morning. We had OIE lesson first. Kinda interesting lesson as we got to know more about the Chinese History, Econonmic, location, like the detailed of the province and the weather around China. We went for lunch after that at the canteen. Ate the mixed Vege Rice our there. After lunch, we went back to our room to rest for awhile before heading over to class for Project Management. We learned how to draw the Network Diagram (AON). It was kinda difficult but after much practice, I finally got it (: We went back to our room and stayed there to rest as we were all very tired.

My Lunch

Project Management lesson

Trying to draw the (AON)

And Shi Ling was doing AEROBICS in the room! Wth right!
I keep staring at her stunned.

We ate cup noodles for dinner (:
Well, I learnt more about the Chinese Cultral over here. Including the bussiness cultral, banking and finance in China too. Lesson was interesting and I love it :D

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