Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16 - COCA COLA!

Morning people! Woke up early early this morning once again as we are going to the Coca Cola factory. Sounds interesting ehs? :D we all meet at classroom block at 8.15 and headed over to the factory. It was at the other side of the bridge!

When we arrived there, we were brought to a multi-function room where they showed us a video about the history about Coca Cola and the history of this factory. And we were given a bottle each too! Although I hate Coke and frizzing drinks so much but I drink ¾ glass of coke! Can’t believe it right! Cause I kept playing with the glass bottle, blowing into it making noises. HAHAH!

After which, we were brought to the manufacturing are after that. I was pretty amused by the whole process. Bottles being stick, being washed, being filled, being capped, being inspected, being packed and stored in the warehouse.

Here's a video on the process! :D

After the cool process, we were lead to another room which was all on display items. Pretty cool items. I’m pretty sure that everyone enjoyed their time in that room as I did too (: Cool Coca Cola related items and merchandise.

This shows that the rate of sales of Coke that is still rising and will expect it to be rising still.
It was only filled till 2009 on the amount they are earning.
I'm as pretty as her! :X lol
All the crazy dude!
Even Mr Chia too!

We headed back and had lunch in school. I ate Egg Tomato Fried Rice. Lols! I think everyone damn crazy about Egg Tomato. Lessons started at 2pm this after as we came back late. We had OIE presentation about the differences and similarities of Singapore and China.
Lesson ended and some people wanted to go for a jog. I wanted to ): but I was rushing for time. I had to complete our project for tomorrow presentation and I had to blog to date!

We had vegetarian for dinner as HanHui ordered for us. Thanks boss man! And we continued doing our project till late. I think that’s about it for today (: Goodbyes!


Do you know that in China, an average production will run up to 1.5 million of Coca Cola products each day. I wonder how rich are they! Earning so much! And thanks to this trip, I am able to brighten up my spirits and my inner self and gain more knowledge about how everything works! I even watch discovery channel on how stuff works at home and this time, I am watching it live in front of me! I am a fortunate child! :D

And after the OIE project presentation, I got a better understanding about the differences and the similarities between China and Singapore. There are so much differences and so much in common you know! I am having a fun trip anyway if you ask (:

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