Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 3 - School & Shopping

Today marks the first day of lessons. We went to class at 9am and had Mr Chia telling us about his past life when he was young. We have a water dispenser in our classroom and by the end of the lesson, it was 1/4 gone. Lesson ended at around 11 plus 12 and we headed over to the school's canteen for lunch. I came across cool plants, green chilli and weird looking chilli flowers I guess.
When we arrived there, the canteen was kinda of empty. We were all trying to decide on what meal we want to have but it was hard as everything was in Mandarin. After awhile of deciding, I ordered the Dao Xiao Mian - 刀削面 and omg! It was damn good I tell you! I feel like packing it home for my family to try! They didn't use noodles, instead, they use flour and sliced it into the pot. It is really damn good!

The way they slice the flour into pot.

This is my noodles! Damn nice!! :D

This is egg with sausage fried noodle
& Beef noodles.

The noodles was damn good!
But they didn't on the air con at all !
It was so damn warm and there I am!

And the noodles was so much till we all cannot finish them all.
I even eat till my stomach couldn't take it anymore.

After lunch, we headed over to the back street of the campus which is called Duo Luo Jie. We had an hour more so we went to take a look at the place and what they sold over there. We wanted to get drinks from the Tea Shop over there as the China students introduced it to us and it was good! :D And we went back for Project Management lesson after that.
And there was this damn stupid car which thinks its so smart to squeeze through.
And he was driving recklessly man! So dangerous on China's streets.

Stone Table Tennis, unlike Singapore's which is some wooden plastic colourful table.

Introducing what is Project Management.
Lesson ended at 4pm and we went back to our room to put our stuff down before heading out for shopping at 5pm. The china students are bringing us to a shopping mall for shopping. The bus stop there was unique. And the air outside was terrible! It is so dusty and polluted! They should control the gases coming out of the industrial areas man. Well, we took us 702 all the way to the shopping centre. Once we alighted the bus, we saw the shopping centre and it was damn huge! Can't wait to go in man ! Decided our meeting point and time and spilt up for shopping.

A damn old bus.

The bus we took! :D

Look how cramp the bus is. The ceiling is so low that we tall people cannot go behind.

There are also better high rise buildings.

Shaggy old dog.
The shopping centre.
The car just parked in the middle of no where man!

Cool ice cream truck.

Look how grand the place is. Like China Paragon!

The arcade was cool ! There were like drumming machine too.

We went Starbucks after and had dinner over there.

Chit chat too
Then, we went to Wal-Mart to get some stuff but most importantly is the toilet seat.

All the things we bought and the toilet seat too!

Met them at Mac at 8.30pm and took bus back to our hostel.

We washed up and I wanted to move my table to my bedside. But then 2 cockroach came out and we all went screaming and the guys helped us out but after so long, they still didn't manage to catch the cockroach. Sigh.. So we had to sleep with it tonight!

Our new toilet seat bowl! :X

I had a hard time trying to get my order done once again. Everything was in Chinese and it was so hard to communicate with the people over there. I regreted not learning Chinese and giving it up. Chinese is becoming so useful. I love the lunch I ate today. It was like so traditional! Slicing the flour off into the pot, how cool is it! The meal was like super cheap, only RMB$4.
Using the toilet is a big deal as normally, we sit on it rather than squat.
And I feel so fortunate living in Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. What is the tissue on your forehead for? To absorb sweat is it?

    Btw, "Duo Luo Jie" is only a nickname, it is not the actual name of the street. Doesn't sound good, u know the meaning of "Duo Luo" right?

    Watch out for the dessert stall at the backstreet, that is my popular stall while I was there last year. We always go there for dessert after lunch.

    Once again, please don't be so NEGATIVE in your blog. Take it as part of your immersion experience.

    Take this chance to polish your Mandarin.
