Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 13 - Three Gorges Dam Area

Morning people, we had to wake up super early this morning as breakfast commence at 6.30AM and we had to leave the cruise at 7am. Before heading back to our hostel, we had an early tour around San Xia. We were brought to different areas to look at the beautiful scene from different angles on top. We then took a shuttle bus into the Three Gorges Damn Area for a tour and took many photographs of all the views (:

Yup, guessed it right. We took that up the stairs!
And we had to pay RMB$2 for it.

After that, we left and headed for lunch at some hotel. Place was cool and beautiful! :D
And yes, guess it right, after lunch, we took a 5 hours trip back to our hostel. As there was a traffic jam mid way which lasted for about 45 minutes. And everyone was in high tide man! A container truck crashed and the vegetable was everyone. People also went to pick the vegetables too! Well, we headed back and stayed to do our blog.
But something happened! The rest went for dinner but I was too beat to leave for dinner and got them to pack for me. I cleared my table for my dinner and accidentally tripped over my internet cable and the whole soupy vege spilled onto my legs, blanket, and the floor. Congratulation for me man ): And I had to use an hour to clean up the mess I've made. Instead of catching up on my work and sleep. I had to clear the mess I've created. I was terrible down. Sigh.. I should just went out to have my dinner. And the soup was so hot till it kinda scard my legs that I had to rush to the bathroom to run it with cold water for about 10 minutes. I even had to wash my blanket and hang it out to dry ): And I had to go around asking for extra blanket as the weather was FREEZING! And luckily HanHui lent it to me as he uses his own blanket. Thanks dude! :D

What a day in the end! ):
Visiting the gorges was a really excellent experience for me. I got to really study and look out of an opened textbook. And the Three Gorges DAM, I really got to know how it works and the locks too. I was really happy that I knew all this. Not everyone knows what they are! :D
And I realised the road on the expressway are narrower compared to Singapore which are of 4 lanes. We experience an accident on the road and no vehicles can move through! So we can be stucked there for a very very long time. Like once, I read the news saying the longest jam in China was like 11days? I forgot already. And they even shower on the roadside in the jam!
And I also learnt my lesson NOT TO EAT NEAR YOUR BED if not you might spill your food and go hungry and even take the time to clean up. Hahaha :D That was really a joke. Sigh.

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