Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 15 - Steel w PANIC

Morning people! We woke up early this morning as we had to meet everyone at class 502 at 8am. We are going to Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Factory for an industrial visit. I wasn’t very excited about it as I thought it was going to very BORING! But it turned out not (: It was really interesting to see how the iron was being melted into molten iron and being pressed slowly into a long thin iron. Weather was cold this morning and I wore double shirt with a sweater but when I was in the factory I straight away took my sweater. The heat was strong even though we were standing quite far and high away from the machines. The process was really cool and I slowly took my time to look around (:

There below will help you understand the process like I do virtually.

PM lecture started at the same time as usual. We learnt about Project Cost today. Seriously, I think PM lesson are kind of interesting but they are kind of boring. Lols! Kind of contradicting right? I know. Project Cost seems like so difficult and complicated man! But doing it seems so fun. HAHAHA.

Apparently, nothing much had happened for today. But at about 10pm, Weilin and I wanted to shower and there wasn’t any WATER!! *panic* The water pressure had cut off. And Nicholas was bathing half way when the water cut off and he had to jump from room to room to finish showering with the tiny left over running water. But in the end, he had to use our mineral water to rinse himself. We had to go to the other block to collect water. And guess what! Eudora’s room got locked again. She forgot to bring out her key once again and Liang Xun and Mr Chia had to ply open their door again. They are damn silly about the key! After the first incident, we separated the keys already but this time, Eudora brought out her luggage key instead of the room key. LOL much! And so much of separating the keys.


I was rather glad that I didn’t miss out on the iron making! It was really exciting! Actually, I am a very science loving person and I so call know a lot about sciences. And this industrial trip made me experience what I should be experiencing in Secondary School Chemistry. I miss those exciting science lessons I had been attending in Secondary School! Sigh. Too bad that I can’t make it into Biomedical Science and made it into International Supply Chain Management instead. But I didn’t regret! :D so why not!

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