Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 12 - Gorges!

Once again, another day. I was suppose to be up at 6.30 and have breakfast at 7am this morning but I really was damn beat and decided to stay in instead (: And when I woke up, I saw 2 loaf of bread, jam, egg and milk on my table. HAHAHA! Thanks whoever who brought that into my room (: Well, Hanhui and his mahjong made us played Mahjong too (: And it was the first time I was playing it and I am sooo good! HAHAHA :D Beginner's luck. But I suck right after. LOL!

At around 10 plus, we were told to go to the second story to transfer to a smaller boat to take a closer look at the gorges. Everything looks cool and beautiful! :D This is was really a great experience. I really enjoyed all the scenery! :D
We were told at a point where the water was too shallow to get off where we were given a chance to take a step nearer to nature. We climbed along the gorge/cliff. The view was pretty awesome and the air there was fresh man! I was so happy! :D hahahha!

We went back to the small boat which of course brought us back to the ship. And I bought tea and some herb too :D Just try luhs. We got back on the ship and lunch time! :D And after that, we had like 3 hours of free time before getting of the ship to another place called 白帝城 Bai Di Cheng ( A place where Liu Bei was in). So we group A did our project and presented it to Mr Chia. And I was so tired that while I was doing half way, I fell asleep for like 5 minutes. I'm so sorry Team A.

We left the ship at around 4.30 to the 白帝城. Over there, we have to climb up 400 steps before reaching the top of that place. But luckily A Team was strong and fit and we managed to climb. View from up there was awesome man! If I have free time and I am alone, I would probably stay up there and enjoy the scenery man~!

This picture below is a place where Liu bei and other generals are having their meeting

After the tour at the 白帝城, we headed back to the curise and had dinner (: Dinner on curises was great! Apparently, all the meal was great expect the breakfast. I met with A Team and we dicussed our project and played Picked Up Sticks after (: It's been long since I've played Picked Up Sticks man! Nostalgical memories! Hahahah! Slacked around and slept earlier as I was really tired. I even slept while watching TV.


Was it learning how to play Mahjong an achievement? And to win on the first round. Hahaha! I finally know how to play a little of Mahjong.
You know what, I was kinda excited to visit the gorges, like I was looking into an open geography textbook from my secondary school. Liang Xun was asking me how gorges are formed and I happily explain them to him. I was kinda happy that I still know my geograhpy and doing well with the scenery and explaination. It was cool experiencing the old China of 白帝城 too :D


  1. Play Mahjong?!!! Please dont get addicted, not a good thing to gamble, ok?

  2. I am in Kathmandu now, still able to access internet! But speed is sloooowwww!
