Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2 - Settling Down

Good morning people! Everyone was up at 8.45am this morning and we had MacDonald for breakfast!! Which isn't a good thing, I was kinda sick of MacDonald already.
We then headed over to our studying block which we are going to study at for the coming 5 weeks to have a look. The Ngee Ann Polytechnic department only occupy the last 3 storeys.

Weather check :
We were all burning under our jeans!
The temperature feels so much warmer compared to ours.

The walk there was interesting as we saw many kinds of different things.
People hanging their clothing out in the open on PLANTS.
Salon, School Doctor and so on..
I like lanes with cool tress at the side.
It's like walking down a memory lane :D

And finally after 15 minutes of hot and dry hard walk,
we finally arrived at our studying block.

The view from 7th story which is the highest level.

The staff office for Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Our Classroom and Computer Lab.
The seat are like COOL! Like some restaurant seats.
Unlike ours which is PLASTIC seats.

The stairs are unique in a way which there is a level/bum up on the steps.
Walked up and down isn't flat anymore.
I don't know what is that for. Friction?

Well, we walked over to the main entrance to take a shot of the main building.
Fun shots were taken too :D
TADA!!!! :D

And hellos, introducing Group A !

We went to take a look at the largest canteen in the campus too.
& that ends our campus tour.
We were all sooo warm and decided to change to shorts and bems as we were going shopping for daily necessities at the nearest super mart. It was about 20 minutes walk from school and the walk was interesting. We were able to look around and experience Wuhan outside the school campus.

The walk to the Super Mart

Buildings were all so old and run down. Like so dilapidated.
But there were like a few of nice and new skyscrapers.
A few like really few only.

There was also a no horn sign that I couldn't see it in Singapore.

These are lotus and the seeds are used to make moon cakes.

There were like inverted Nike and fake Lactose.
And finally we arrived at the Super Mart.

They have like so weird potato chips..
Cool & Refreshing, Natural & Cool.

And that was what we bought (:
A bottle of water cost like S$0.20! Everything is so cheap!
Even the kettle we bought! RMB$48.
It all cost for RMB$111.40.

We went for lunch nearby after that. I decided not to have lunch as I want to feast on my bread but when we reached down there...! It was so grand and dim like some romantic restaurant. We settled down and all rights, I shall eat here as the food was damn CHEAP! Shella and I decided on the Romantic Lovers Set Meal for RMB$148. That was like S$14 each? And it comes with so many meals altogether! Let me show you below!
But we had a VERY HARD TIME trying to get our order. We thought the lover set meal comes in 2 sets but it's ONE where we both have to share. Cool urh. And when the waiter asked us how cook we want our beef to be. We had a hard time telling him how cook we want. He doesn't understand English and his slang was terrible! We couldn't really understand what his was trying to say. But the service there was FANTASTIC! They even poured water with a cloth to avoid any spillage.

The main entrance
The menu were like in good printing!

Look how romantic the place was..
The awesome salad! Like the nicest I ever eaten?

The soups!
Bacon and Corn cream soup & Mushroom soup, with garlic bread.

The damn juicy beef! Like the nicest I ever eaten.
This was the nicest thing I ever eaten man!
You should try it! Like the tenderness, the softness and EVERYTHING!
Totally AWESOME!
The mushroom sticky Japanese rice with Jew Fish.
It was damn nice but I was already too full to finish it!
What a waste man! The food is damn good for this price!
In Singapore, it was at least cost S$90+ ?
And lastly, the desert!
Cream chocolate cake, Cheese cake, Vanilla Ice cream & Ching Chou!
They even served it in plastic HEART SHAPED cups! Pretty! :D

We rest there for awhile more before heading back to our hostel. Some of them went out to the streets behind the hostel for shopping but as for me, I want to rest in my room and blog! :D But the Internet was so terrible that it takes AGES to just get the photos up! Totally terrible!
And by 8pm, the girls met outside our rooms for dance practice (:
I was really tired and knocked out once my head touched the pillow.


  1. The food at the restaurant is nice! Where is the restaurant? I may want to try it next year.

    We cannot compare internet connection speed with Singapore, I have been to Nepal and the connection speed there is even slower, it takes a good 1-2 minutes to open a Google page, not talking about upload a photo which may take up to 5-10 minutes.

  2. The little bum on the stair is for better grip or traction? I am also not so sure, please find out from the local students.
