Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 11 - Setting off Cruise Trip

Morning people! I woke up at 9.30am this morning and packed my bag for the cruise trip that will be happening later (: I was kinda excited as Ms Hock showed us our rooms of the cruise in class which was totally awesome! Like finally 2 nights in a better room (: It was around 12.30pm when we set off for our cruise trip. It took us around 4 to 5 hours before we reached Yi Chang and have our dinner. The scenery to Yi Chang was beautiful! I like those farms and cows I've seen along the way. Making me feel so relax. I always like the rural site. I can even live without electronic devices. I guess. HAHAH! :D And I also saw beautiful bridges. Seriously, bridges in China are all so beautiful and unique! :D
, After dinner, we finally headed to the pier and up on board! It was nothing fantastic lea. Just a small cruise. We settled down before heading up to the top deck for the lock at 9pm. Houng Sheng and friends told me that I will be taking that module next year and I would have a better understanding to it. Yay me! :D Group A went exploring around the ship too. Anyway, at the top deck, everyone just camwhored and played a fool. HAHAH! But due to some delay we only manage to see the first lock at around 10 plus.

Nicholas and I.
He really looks like my younger brother at home making me miss him so much!
The very first lock!
We were also told that there will be another lock coming up later in the night around 12am. And it will be 5 stages instead of 1 stage we all saw just now. Most of us were pretty excited about it and so we decided to stay up for the 2nd lock. Some of them went down to play games but I played till I was bored and went up to the top deck to look at the scenery. It was beautiful, freezing and DARK. Played around and I didn't know it was so late and long. We only got the see the next 1st stage of lock at 12.15, and took an hour before passing the 1 stage of locks. We were all so cold and tired, so most of us went back to replenish our sleep.


Well, I've learnt and understand more about what I will be learning in year 2 - Maritime Management (MM). And I even went through it myself! How cool is that! I like those scenery I saw on the cruise where Singapore do not have. Singapore do not even have beautiful natural landscape. But I was glad that I experience the locks tonight! :D It kinda cool when the ship went into the locks and the gates closes and the water level rises. The gates were cool and wonder how the water will never sip in. Great achievement for me! :D

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