Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 5 - Free & Easy

Morning people! I was waiting for this day finally! We can go on a shopping spreeee!! :D
We met at 10.30am and made our way to the bus stop to the other side of Wuhan. We arrived at Wangfujing shopping mall around 11 or so and headed over for lunch at a Korean Barbeque restaurant. It was so cheap compared to Singapore's! It only cost RMB$48.

See how bad the pollution was. I can't even see the other side!

The bridge to the other side of Wuhan

Wuhan also have beautiful apartments!

This is the bus we took :D

This boy is damn talented! And I donated money to him :D
I am a kind person. HAHAHA!

The main entrance of the shopping mall.

Korean BBQ.

They have this thing on the table which I don't know what is it.
I looks like a game but I still do not know.
Our widespread of food! And we have to pay for the food that we cannot finish.
So we took the leftovers and covered it under food and shells.
And we even "ACCIDENTALLY" dropped food onto the table.
. The Korean restaurant we went too (:
And after lunch, we went for shopping. Like finally! :D
YAY! And we spent like super long time in this shop!

This is the street! :D And yay! I bought some stuff but not a lot too anyway.
We all even bought some face mask thing as I wanted it and everyone also tried and bought it too. HAHAH! You all should try it. It is damn good! It clears everything on your face.

We met Zhen Zhao at Mac and headed over to get shades
and to meet the rest of the people.
Came across electric trams and cool! I like that! Saves the environment~
And this bridge is damn cool! Like cool urh!

The top of the bridge.

While we were heading over to meet the rest, I saw a Eurasian!
I never come across any one of them before!
And why will be come to Wuhan I wonder...?
I think their buildings are soo cool.
This is the starting point of Jiang han lu, bu xing jie.

This road is damn scary! We were all crossing and suddenly, a bus came driving at high speed coming towards us. Luckily we saw and stepped back. I was shocked and yikes a little. The road in China is really terrible. They should put up traffic lights for pedestrian.

We walked and made our way to the river side to look at the scenery and take some photos.

HanHui went to try the air pistol thing which cost RMB$3 for 10 shots.

I can't believe that people do really go swimming in Yangtze River.

Group A !

This puppy was really damn cute! Love it man!

Scenery wasn't that fantastic was there was pollution.
Wuhan would be a beautiful city if they were to cut down on the pollution created.

Group A again! :D

After that, we walked to the port to take a ferry to the other side of Wuhan. While we were waiting to buy the lanterns, we were told to be cautious as there was a man behind like trying to pick pocket. He keep coming close to us and looking at what we are doing. And when we left to get our tickets, he walked away.
Too bad he cannot steal anything from us :D hahah.
And this is our ticket for the ferry.
The entrance to the port.

That is our ferry.

I thought Singaporean are the Kiasu ones but China citizens are as kiasu to board to ferry. HAHAH :D

Group A again..

We took the ferry to the other side and walked to the food street that we are suppose to have dinner. Everyone was hungry already as it was already 8pm. It was a long way.
And anyway, this is a cool bridge. Cars go on top and the railway goes below.

The entrance of the food street.

Weird food? I do not dare to try.

And there is the place we are suppose to go for dinner.
Dinner for today, Dumplings!
And omfg! It was damn good! So much better compared to Singapores'.
It is damn juicy! I love it! :D
Joanne and I went to get Fried banana too.
And this is how they make it :D
Damn good dumplings for everyone to fantasize.
Well, after dinner, we walked the back alley for quite a long while before we reached the bus stop. In the mids of the walk, we came across this stand selling sandalwood keychain and everyone was getting it. So I got some for myself too. One for RMB$2. And we headed back to our hostel. In the bus, there was 2 guys talking to HanHui about where are we from. We lied to them that we are from FuJian and we are not speaking English, but Singlish. We do not want to let people to know that we are from Singapore. And I feel very uncomfortable sitting there as one of the man kept staring at me and at the same time I had a headache. So I moved forward. And Houng Sheng gave me some panadol Thanks! :D
.he keychains.

In China, there are a lot of homeless and poor people. Once you help one, you have to help all the rest already. But I don't mind doing so as I donate money to most beggars I see. I believe in doing good deeds as they will eventually come back to you one day.

And I can’t believe a Korean barbeque would cost only RMB$48 which is only S$14. Money in Singapore is so much higher and living in Singapore is much harder too.

It was cool to see electric trams on roads in Wuhan. It is good as it saves the environment by not driving on petrol. And in China, the bridges are so cool too. Most of them are all so unique and outstanding. And I realized the imitation brands are also in shops like Lactose to Clio Coddle and so on. And today, it was the first time I ever seen Eurasian in Wuhan. Cool urh. But I have no idea why do they even come to Wuhan. I didn’t know Wuhan existed until this OIP program!

Roads in China is really terrible. Many things can happen on the road! They should put up traffic lights for perdestrain or draw lines on the road to indicate where the car should be driving.
And small kids wear pants that have hole at the back of their butt. Like for easier excess to poop and pee. They do not have an ocean just a river and it was damn filthy and polluted. They also have cruise ferry trips from one point of Wuhan to the other part of Wuhan. And it can transport vehicles too. The xiao long bao the china students brought us too was marvelous man! It was totally great! It is damn good compared to what I’ve ate in Singapore.

It was a really tiring day for me today. And I shall be going off right now. Byeee :D

1 comment:

  1. You should NOT dash across the road. The drivers are very skilful, if you walk at a constant slow pace, they know how to avoid hitting you. If your pace is erratic, you will confuse the driver and you may get hit. Use Pedestrian crossing if possible, and please don't get the idea that you are SAFE if u use the pedestrian crossing, you still need to watch out for traffic. Be very cautious while crossing any roads in China.
