Monday, September 13, 2010

Pre-Trip Post!

Hellos people! It's the day before I leave Singapore to the the new and enchanted world of Wuhan! I had so many mixed feelings! Can't bare to leave my pampered life in Singapore and being an independent child out in the open for 5 weeks! I will definitely miss home man! All my friends and whatsoever. I had to leave it behind for 5 weeks! Damn! But I am actually looking forward to the trip too. Hmmm, all rights. I know I'm lying. About maybe 50%? I do not know. But I am afraid too as I will be meeting all new people whom I had never met or even talked to before. I wonder would I even adapt to it. But I am confident that I would as I am a hyper, cheerful, fun and so on. So that is why I'm looking forward to it of 50% only! hahaha!

Anyway, Wuhan! Here I come! :D


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