Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 6 - City Tour

Morning people! It will be a long day out today! We met at 7.15am downstairs and headed over to 东湖 (East Lake) for the first tour of the day! The ride wasn't that long before we arrived at 东湖. The place there was beautiful! First, I thought that it was smaller than Peirce Reservoir.
But when we walked further in, omg! It is huge! I thought it was endless sea/lake/water but as I look closely, chey! There are still buildings behind just that it is too polluted that I can really see the far end. But the place was beautiful. Very peaceful place to relax. I rather come here than to the riverside yesterday.

Welcome to 东湖 !

Mossiee land!

The front of the lake where I thought it was small.

You can rent cute little car/ducky boats to paddle with your loved ones on the lake!

See! Their bridges are all so cool liked I said before! :D

It is like an endless sea right! But watch carefully, you can still see the other side!

Their fishing rods are so super duper LONG~

People just swim everywhere!
In the Liangtze river and even the East Lake! Power!

After the East Lake, we hop onto the bus and went to the Hubei Museum. Just was we settled down, like after 1 minute, the bus arrived at the Museum. LOL! It looks very grand and beautiful. Actually I think everything is beautiful in Wuhan only it's pollution.

Main entrance of the museum.

The inner coffin of Marquis Yi.
They said the windows are painted at the side to allow the spirits to fly out.
And this is the outer coffin and there is also hole there to allow the spirit to get out.
When Marquis Yi passed away, all his concubine will die with him too.
They all will be poisoned to death.

This is their freezer! I was told that they saved the ice from winter and when it's summer, they place the ice this to store food.

That is a cooking thing.
& This is a Incense burner to burn incense or fragrant herbs.

This is a dustpan
& that is a bronze weight to put on top the paper.
I don't know why must is be so grand. Anything can be paper weight mahs!

The bell they use to play music

Music instrument was already created long long ago!

This is their Do Re Mi Fa So in Chinese.

This is to hang their clothes. So grand right!
I do not know why everything was so grand last time.

And This Is To Rest Their Arms.
Even there is this thing to rest your arms.

This is their Luggage! LOLS!

Gold things are for display for their status.

They even have jade belts.

On the left, it is a gift to give friends to share ties.
And if you want to break ties, give them the jade on the right.
LOL right!

This is to put into the dead people's mouth to feed him.


Spears! And how they make it so strong

These are Arrow Heads.

Old Chinese Words to new current Chinese words.

And they write on wood last time.

Trying so hard to read.

The view on top of the Museum

Gold belt!

The jewel on top of the crown.

More belts! Jade belts and gold belts!

And I am so skinny to sqeeze through this! HAHAH


United as can be!


Cool hot air ballon uh!

After that, we headed over down to some resturant for dinner.
And omg can please! The serving was so much! And really we all cannot finish them.
Yu Chuan and Nicholas was on our table and they both helped us clear. Such a big eater!
And then all the guys came to our table and switch to eat all our leftovers!

Our wide spread!
After lunch, we headed over to Yellow Crane Tower! It was about 20 mintues ride before we arrived at the place. When we alighted, we were invaded by many many people who are trying to sell fans on the street. Like kinda useful but like do not need. We walked to the place and bought our tickets. It was a sunny and wet weather today!~ We were literally showering in our clothes on the streets man!
We went up and up to the Yellow Crane. The weather was so terrible that everyone was complaining! We walked halfway and stopped at a shop as they wanted to get some ornaments which engrave names inside them. And some of them were to warm to continue walking. And some needed the fan over there and needed to get some hand fan. LOLS!
Anyway, we continued to walk up the Yellow Crane Tower.
Our tickets!

The ornaments!

There is a green land on top of the building!

After the awesome Yellow Crane Tower, we headed over to the Bu Jing Jie and we only had an hour to shop and walk around. Well, we took the tram all the way to the end of the whole road and went over to the other side to shop. And we met the rest at 5.30 and headed over back to our hostel.
The ferry terminal yesterday.
On the tram.
We headed back to our hostel and to Lemon Resturant for dinner. First time being there and the food there was great! I really love the Egg tomato man! And I think when we go back to Singapore, everyone will cook egg tomato at home already! hahaha! :D It was really very nice! I love it !

The Back Alley.


East Lake was beautiful but it would be even beautiful if the air wasn’t polluted. The scenery was beautiful and we saw many people doing fishing over there. Their rod is every different as it consist of one LONG rod unlike Singapore and other places, there will be a fishing reel at the side.

Next was Hubei Museum. We went to look at the history of one part of China and it was really interesting. Having windows at the side of the coffin as they believe the soul/spirit will fly out. Looking at their old pots, lauder and so on.. It was kinda cool. And even in the century, they can even play musical instruments already. The artifacts there were pretty awesome. Even having armors for the horses, how cool is it! Knowing how words were form from past to present. And in the past, they do not have paper and they did their writings on woods. I was pretty amused by it. Ancient people were as smart as us!

The scenery at the Yellow Crane Tower was magnificent! Even the building structure was pretty and I really love the tower. It really looks good! It is 10 storeys high from the very first step till the top. The view was really great at the top and I really enjoyed it!
At the Jianghan Road Shopping Mall, we got to experience sitting on the tram! It only cost RMB$2 per person. Hahahah! It was an awesome day today! I enjoyed the city tour even though I was really beat and having lots of perspiration. I was like literally showering on the streets with my clothes on.

During dinner, we talked about us pronouncing the wrong name of our fellow friends and learning more about them. It was a great talk between us (:

1 comment:

  1. In comparison, you may like to read my blog on East Lake (the climate was quite different, because it was in March).

    Yangtze River (not Liangtze).

    Isn't LiangXun there to help you finish the food? He should be able to help...haha. Yes, that is the Chinese culture, they always order alot of food, especially when it comes to giving a treat. Otherwise, the host would appear to be stingy. They rather prefer to over-order and waste the food.

    Ya, I love the dish of tomato eggs too! So tasty!
