Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival in Wuhan

Oh my goodness people! Yesterday was a very long and tiring day for my friends and I !
And right this moment, yes, Brenda is gonna start blogging. Like Finally! So people, please stay tune to brenda-undivided-memories.bs to experience how life is in Wuhan together with me (: But due to horribly bad Internet connection over here, I took like an hour just to type this paragraph. So it may take quite awhile to be posted.


Dad drove me along with mum, granny and Belvin to the airport to met the rest of the OIP mates at 11am. It took us half an hour before we managed to check in our baggage. Everyone was taking their last photographs before heading in. At that moment, I was feeling terrified of the world I will be heading to, leaving my loved ones to that unknown place all alone for FIVE weeks! I was so nervous till my hands turned cold.
So, my family and I had our last lunch before sending me off. I was kinda sad that my brother couldn't send me off. We said our goodbyes and Brenda is going to a new unknown world.

The plane took off from Changi to Guang Zhou at around 1.35pm. I didn't know meal was provided that early and I was still kinda full from the lunch I ate. We played Monopoly Deal Cards and talked rubbish among ourselves. And watched drama too! How can I live without my 90210, Glee, Gossip Girl, American Next Top Model and so on man! :D

Anyway, we arrived at Guang Zhou Airport at around 5.15pm and took us awhile to collect our baggage and check it in again and it was already 6.45pm. And there isn't any time difference from Singapore and Wuhan.

My Seafood Noodle which tasted very horrible!


You can see the difference from Singapore City compared to here.

We alighted the plane
& took the shutter bus service to the airport to collect our luggages.

We had MacDonald for dinner and I had a hard time getting my order taken. I suddenly went blank and didn't know how to speak Mandarin and spoke English all the way. Thankfully the person understands what I was saying. Thumbs up! :)

After dinner, we made our way to gate B122 and we wandered around for awhile before settling down to use our laptop as our flight was delayed. It was an hour 15 minutes flight. And due to the delay, we arrived at Wuhan Airport at 11.45pm and when we were done with everything, it was already 12 plus. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the plane.
On our way to gate B122

Waiting for the delayed plane!

Before flying off..

The moon was ultra bright!

Wuhan isn't really bright compared to Singapore.
Once we arrived, we checked out and I learned that we do not need to stamp our passport as it was a domestic flight. Collected our luggage and headed to the bus to WUST. Outside was misty and I thought the weather was cold. But no! It was pollution! How terrible! There were two buses and we thought one bus is for us and the other is for the LSCT people but no. One bus is for luggage and the other was for us. And the buses do not have the compartment where luggage should be stored. Instead, it was brought to the back of the bus through the WINDOW and the FRONT DOOR. Epic isn't it!
And finally we are on our way to WUST. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the bus too. And true enough, on the road to Wust was dark. I was already so tired when we arrived at the University. I still had to dragged 2 luggage up to the second story where I will be living for 5 weeks! And ..... TADA!! That will be my room!
It isn't a good thing to be tall. You have to bend all the way down use the basin.
It isn't a good thing to have a long body as you have to squat like..... hahaha :D

How pathetic right? Is like globalization shock! Settled down and unpacked a little and went to bed. What a long and tiring day! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! :D
Nights people.


  1. Sorry, been busy. I just started to read the blogs (one by one) today. Will post comments here tomorrow.

  2. nice pics of the moon, u will see a full moon tomorrow on Mid-Autumn Festival!

  3. Spelling mistake: McDonalds spell without the "a" in between "M" and "c".

    Avoid negative comments about what you experience in China. We have to accept diversity in culture and environment. Every single difference is a learning experience for you. Dont say things like "TERRIBLE".
