Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 9 - Mid-Autumn Freezing Cold!

It's Mid-Autumn Day today! In China, it is considered a public holiday. How cool right! :D

Day Check : Wednesday
Temperature Check : About 16 degrees
Wind Check : SUPER windy
Rain Check : Drizzling non stop

All rights people! Daddy was talking to me late last night telling me that weather will change from Wednesday onwards! And true enough, it turned! It is so super cold when we woke up this morning! It feels like mountains~! hahah! The wind was so strong when we were walking to class. Blowing me everywhere trying to lift me off the ground! We arrived at our block and ready for lessons (:

Mr Chia thought us how to use the Project Management software already. It is practical today! Kinda cool as it is something new to us :D It helps like a planner to sort out our activities showing the date and time with the Gantt chart. Cool luhs! :D And we were given a project to do and dead line for the outline is TOMORROW!

Well, we all headed over to the soup restaurant for lunch this afternoon and omg! The walk there was horrible man! It was so freezing cold and drizzling! Horrible weather! I was freezing from head to toe already! Bad choice to walk there. So far!!! But I took back my words when we arrived there. Gosh! The place was so cosy and the soup there was GREAT MAN! :D Totally awesome! I shall go back there soon another day! Very soon!

After lunch, we went walk walk around before heading back to class. We had the next PM lesson on resource scheduling. And went back to our bunks after that. We met up after school at Jia Li room to discuss about our project as tomorrow is the dateline! We discussed till dinner time and we left for dinner. We walked around the back street and were on separate ways. So most of us headed over to the very back and found a new place selling soup noodles. It was really COLD so we decided that we should settle down here for dinner (:

Dinner was all rights, nothing fantastic. Noodles was kinda urh.......? Nothing to comment as it was all balls inside. Pork Ball, Fish Ball, Prawn Ball and Crab Balls inside as Jia Li doesn't take Beef and Mutton.

After dinner, we went back to our hostel and had a mini celebration for the mid-autumn festival. Everyone was gathering at the corridors eating moon cakes, drinking teas and having some lame and fun activities. Glad that we were laughing (: I had fun and everyone else too. I kinda miss playing with my family and friends back in Singapore due to me in Wuhan for a month. But it's all rights as I got to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with my friends over here (:

Wow! Experiencing the cold weather over here and in Singapore, it's always summer! I thought the temperature would slowly descend but no, it just drop overnight! Like not prepared one! In China, I was told that the people here eat moon cake under the moonlight while watching the moon on Mid-Autumn. Unlike Singapore, we carry lanterns and play fire! Kinda miss that. And in China, they have 3 days holidays is for them to go back to their homeland to celebrate with their family. That's all for today, I'm tired already. Nights people! :D

1 comment:

  1. It is good for u to experience cold weather. When I was in Wuhan last year, I complaint so much about the cold weather, it is really unbearable! And then, when summer comes, I complain about the hot weather. I guess that is human nature, we also not happy. haha
