Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 8 - Jogging

I so glad that we didn't have anything on for today after school. I can finally rest in my bunk and do some arrangements. And blog too! :D

Well, we had OIE in the morning and learnt about the geography of China, basically the areas, south, northeast, central. And Mrs Zhang didn't teach us today, another teacher taught us and was much livelier than Mrs Zhang in the way she speaks. And she do not read from the slides which made us more interested. We also study the maps and provinces of China. We did an exercises in identifying places in china.

Our exercise.

After lunch, we had Project Management. We learnt about AOA ( Active – on – Arc ). It is almost the same AON but it is not square anymore, it's circles. And activities are represented by arrows. And after that, Ms Hock taught us how to do Online Shopping (: heheheh. You know, her face lighted up when she taught us how shop online. HAHAH.

Well, school ended around 3.30 and we headed back to have our free time. And at around 6, people who wanted to jog met downstairs already. And as for me, I went jogging too! (: It's been long seen I last ran. We ran from school all the way to I don't know where. But it seems far. But while we were jogging back, my stomach hurts again and I NEED A TOILET! Crap! Where to get a toilet in the middle of no where. Thank god Hanhui helped me look for a toilet and I went to poop. Half of them went back already while, Eliza, Jia Li, Nicholas, HanHui waited for me. Thanks people for waiting for me (: Went back and had dinner at Lemon Restaurant again.

We practiced our dance along the corridor at around 9pm. But while we were practicing, the China guys opposite our corridor started to walk out with chairs and sitting outside to watch us. Wth? Like perverts man! Then I walked up to the gate and kind make alot noise with the chains and they all went back in. Irritating! And that night, the weather turned down. It was so windy and about to rain. BRENDA, prepare for the worst tomorrow. It will be a cold, windy and wet day!


I had a better understand about the areas and provinces of China. Though it isn't our country but we ought to know a little about each and every country. To gain better knowledge of different culture and things they do. And since our ancestors are from China and we are Chinese, we really ought to know a little about the history. And I am glad that I know a little of it :D Project Management is kinda hard but it get easier when you really understand how to do it (: Yay! I got it! :D

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