Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 18 - Little Shop

Today commence the mid way through our whole trip. No la. Lols! It was yesterday actually. And today is China's National Day!! :D Joanna wanted to get soya bean milk once again but the back gate was locked. Damn! It will be locked till the National Day break ends! So if we wanna leave the school, we have to leave from other gates instead. So far!

Anyway, I woke up early this morning due to the result of GPA for my first semester. Checked my results and went to class. We had PM lecture today and learnt about Project Control. It is important because unforeseem circumstances and imperfect planning can result in project progress deviating from the project plan. Therefore is important that the project be monitored and controlled so as to correct these deviations. Ms Hock also shared some of her encounters and experience with us too. We also learnt about the AON diagram update thing to cross out boxes which are completed and slash out boxes of half done.

Lesson ended and we decided to head over to the canteen for lunch so we have more time to do other things. But when we arrived there, it was closed and we remembered it was National Day. The rest decided to head over to Lemon Restuarant and some of us will meet them there later as we want to put down our stuff and use the bathroom. But we decided to go to Happy Kitchen instead as there were too many people over at Lemon Resturant. Lunch was great and I ate like 3 bowls of rice. SUPER HUNGRY!~ Started 4 days ago, my diet increased tremendously! Oh no! Brenda is going to be a chubby girl when she's back in Singapore.

We decided to go to the Soup Resturant area for shopping but it started to rain while we were heading over so we went back to our bunk. I had nothing to do and felt like relaxing. Did some online shopping on Taobao and watched Toy Story 3. Omg! It was a great movie man! Pixar movies are always so heartwarming, touching and sad towards the end and I almost cried but didn't as it would be so weird and terrify to cry in my room with Weilin and Shi Ling staring at me! hahah! And we all recieved the bag we ordered on Taobao already! :D Pretty !! Yay!

We slacked till 6pm when almost everyone met downstairs to go for dinner and out. Weilin and I decided to go dinner with everyone and go shopping our seperate ways later on. We bought bags on the way to Mcdonals for dinner. And thanks Houng Sheng for helping us bargin till it was RMB$60. Heheh! Luckily Weiling stopped me from being softhearted and rising the price. Phew! (: Yay!! We saved cash! And we are going there 2 days later for another bag! Crap! I think the only thing we can shop in Wuhan is Bags and Sweaters! Seriously! Sigh! There is nothing more to shop and look around here. Really nothing much. We went to get some food from the supermart and came back around 8.30pm.
Our dinner at Mac.
Turtles are sold! OMG!

And when I was back, I feel so dirty around and did a mask!

And yup, you guessed it! Everyone loves this milk and Weilin bought the carton of it!
Anyway, we are going to Bu Xing Jie tomorrow and yay! MORE SHOPPING! Hopefully I can get something MORE! Really want to get stuff. I only got like 3 bags, 2 tops and no more as I do not really have the time. I had a mini group discussion and I changed my bed sheet today as it was half of the trip already! (:


Today is the first time getting my GPA results. And I finally understood what others tired to tell me already. Thanks everyone who care and shared/tell what is GPA all about and how to caculate it. Now I know it all (:

And do you know, China have a week of break on their National Day for everyone to get back to their family and hometown. How cool is that!
And I finally got some time to relax, but soon gonna be mad once again. Project, blog everyday and test on Monday.

And damn! It's already half of the whole trip! I kinda have mixed feeling for it once again. I want to stay longer as I didn't really shop and explore the place much yet! I want more time! Other batches had a longer stay here but our batch have a shorter stay. On the other hand, I want to go back to Singapore as I miss everything I had left behind! I want it back! I miss everyone and everything! But moreover, I want to explore this mystical island of Wuhan. HAHAH! So contraditing.

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