Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 33 - Last Day!

Yi xian, Han Hui, Agnes, Edward, Liang Xun, Nicholas and I decided to go for a shopping spree this morning, 9.30am! But when I opened my door at 9.30am, I saw Han Hui still in his shorts! WTH?! I thought you do not want to waste anytime and just go straight to shopping?! And then he told me that Yi Xian had to do her project. Crap! Damn! Shopping on the last day had to be pushed back! ):

Since she have to do her project, we A-TEAM also did some filming at the backstreet. FOOD FOOD FOOD! Bought many many food and we tried out the Zha Jiang Mian we long wanted to try but was afraid as it is located beside the streets. But who cares! It's already the last day! Why not? Just try it! So we bought 2 bowls, Zha Jiang Mian and Re Gan Mian and shared it among. And GOSH! That was the best noodles I ever eaten man! SERIOUSLY! It was that GOOD! Really THAT GOOD! Damn! We cursed and swear why didn't we tried it earlier! Damn! It's already the last day when we knew about this awesome noodle shop man! Damn! ):

The back street!

I will miss her damn much man!

So, intrigued, we continued walking down the aisle into the deep back street where I never walked before and we ended up in a very cool souvenir shop. God dammit again! Why didn't we come here before man! ): It's the last day when we found this shop! Sigh! But it's all rights. I bought many stuff from there and a cool watch too! The stuff there were all great man! Seriously! All pretty stuff, worth the buy! Worth the grab! They were still shopping in that shop and I decided to hop to other shop to take a look. Walked a little more and ended up in another cool shop! Damn cool shop! Sad that I found it on the last day too! ): Bought some stuff from there too!

This is damn cool! when you touch the bottle with warm,
the liquid inside will rise and fill up with the fountain. It was really damn cool.
And when we headed back, I saw something that I really do not want to see. But ...... it's right in front of me. I saw a chicken hanging upside down in the hands of the man. And the chicken struggling like got stroke in his hands. And the blood dripping down into the metal bowl. Crap! What disgusting thing to see! And then, he threw the chicken to the road side and let it die slowly. Morrifying! And trust me! I will stop eating chicken for awhile!
Torture man!
The awesome noodle stall!
Headed back to the hostel and realised the rest went without us already. Damn! So, Yi Xian, Han Hui, Liang Xun and I went to the shopping mall together. We headed to the shopping mall HanHui found but things there are a little more expensive. But still, it was affordable. We walked around the streets before heading into the mall for more shops man!
And I realised that mall is some hotel. No wonder the price is higher and the restroom looks damn awesome! Automatic water tap and soap dispenser. Even have seats in the restroom. Cool right! First time coming across this after 33 days! We shopped till 5.45pm before leaving for 步行街 night market again.

And travelling there was horrible! The traffic there was unbearable! There was so many cab around but it is so hard to just flag ONE cab! We even allow three cab to run away. Sigh! And by how? By people snatching it from us. They really push their way just to get into the cab. And finally after 30 minutes, Yi Xian got onto the cab and yay!! (: But we wasted 30 minutes of our precious time trying to flag the stupid cab. 30 minutes less shopping time! ): Rushed to 步行街 then! And it took us an hour to reach there sia! Wth ): I even slept throughout. Which means we waste 1.5 hours of shopping time! No time for food and rushed to do shopping man! We stopped at street sushi stall and no bad sia! I thought I will get sick after eating street food but no, it taste real good and clean! (: AWESOME!
It was already 9.30 when I said I wanna rush back to 二路 for my bag man! If I don't get that bag, I will live in regret! Seriously! I told them that I really want to rush back to get that bag before it's too late. And that bag shop closes at 10pm! So Liang Xun accompanied me and we cab to 二路. Cab was hard to get and I was worried! NOOOO!! Time please stop ticking! I really want that bag! Please reach there before 10 pm!! Please!! And once I saw a cab! I flagged it and really, I pushed my way into the cab. There were 2 person who wanted to snatch the cab from me but I was firm and determined to get that bag and pushed them away and got into the cab. LAWLS!
And once we alight the cab, I ran all the way to the shop man leaving Liang Xun panting behind. I can't wait and I really want to get that bag! And when I reached the shop, the owner was already packing her stuff. Phew! Luckily she didn't leave just yet! I was relief man! And I asked her about that bag I wanted. And god dammit! She didn't have it! And she said if I was here yesterday, I could have gotten that bag! But... Damn! I thought by 10pm, she wouldn't be here already but in fact, she start packing up at 10. Nooooo~ I was extremely depressed and really down. I wanted to burst into tears like a child who couldn't get the toy he/she wanted. I really did. My eyes were watery and I was really feeling so horrible. Sigh. I will leave Wuhan living in regrets man!
And great thanks to Liang Xun for cheering me up and telling me, Hey! You want to take that TuhTuh right?! LETS GO TAKE IT BEFORE It'S TOO LATE!! Today is the last day! No more already lea! TuhTuh is the trishaw I called it.
So we took the tuhtuh back to the back street for supper and back to the hostel. Sigh...! My baggg...... And yes, I got to take a photograph with the cute satay boy at the back street before leaving for Singapore too! (: Only thing I regretted was that awesome lovely bag of mine! ):
The tuhtuh ! :D
The cute satay boy Sheila was crazy about! :X
Our super and drink!
Headed back to our hostel at 10.29pm and washed up before staying up late to pack our luggage. I really do not have the feeling to go back home ):

I will definitely miss the back street of mine! The Rice Stick auntie making breakfast for me everyday. Even though I am not hungry, I will still buy it from her. I like buying the rice stick from her. Helping her in another word (: Missing the noodles and everything else sold behind. Wishing there is this back street behind my house too!

I told myself that whenever I come to a new place next time, please take time off to explore the place! But really, I do not have much time to explore around. OIP normally lasted for 40 days or so, but this time, it only last for 34 days! And I am really not going to touch chicken after seeing it being killed right in front of me. You will feel how I felt man seriously!

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