Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 21 - Stress!

Morning people! We woke up an hour later than usual as our lesson starts at 10 today. We are having a written test. Test was fine and I did all the way to the last minute. I did it all the way but I don't know about the rest. Anyway, here my test paper as shown! :D

Everyone getting ready for the test!
Well, we had Zhen Zhao to pack lunch; Soup Restaurant for us as my group had to do our project. We did like part by part sharing the parts between our each other. Busy busy stress stress! And we even dine in for dinner at 9pm. We wanted to go for dinner but there was a presentation at 9 so we stayed in but like around 8? We were told that it was being pushed back till tomorrow. ): Damn! Should had just gone out. And even go to the salon. I suggested to go salon and now they left without me as I had to do project. Sigh! Nothing much happened today just projects. That's all for today! Nights people!

Our dinner!
Thanks Mr Chia for giving us the extra 10 minutes for this Project Management test. Without it, I would have died! Anyway, I completed it and realised I should plan my time wisely if not things wouldn't be done and it would drag the next following activities behind. Like what we are learning right now for Project Management. Some activities can be delayed only a few days, if exceeded, we might push back the activities coming up next and even extending the project duration.
And I think I should rush up my work so I can do other things like shopping and going out instead of staying inside my bunk and facing the computer. I need and have to explore this whole *not very new* place before leaving this place. And luckily no one of our group members went out today and we finished our project. Frankly speaking, I kinda like this place I am in. And already getting used to it. I feel like staying here a little longer though. HAHAHA

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