Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 22 - Day at e Salon

Hellos people! Another day at school! We learnt about PERT today. A new lecture. It is the probability of being able to meet dateline of project. It was confusing at first but after practices, I think I am getting use to it! Yay! But I really do need plenty practices to really understand PERT. Anyway, we headed over to some noodle shop at the 建设二路 for 炸酱面. Houng Sheng, Jia Li and Eliza said it was nice and nicer compared to the school's canteen and introduced it to us. But before walking there, I had the Rice Stick thingy! OMG! That is damn good man! I love it man! I was craving for it since that Theme park day when I first ate it. It is that so good! And I might buy some back on the last day in Wuhan. HAHAHA!

When we were at the noodle shop, we saw this tiny kitten which looks so damn cute! And that is my noodles as shown below!

The opened kitchen.

My 炸酱面
After lunch, we headed over to the supermarket to get some awesome yogurt! Really damn good! How I wish Singapore sells it. Anyway, we headed back to school and had a group photo at the main entrance. After the photograph, we went back to class and had lessons. We had practical revision doing the past year papers. I thought it was piece of cake as the front was easy but came to the back part. GOSH! It was really difficult! Crap! Brenda gotta study hard! Friday is our practical test.

Lesson ended and we girls went to the back street as we are going to do something to our hair! Dye, Highlight and treatment! Jia Li, Eliza, Michelle, Yi Xian and I went (: Jia Li and I went for treatment while Michelle and Eliza dye their hair and Yi Xian did highlights. Gosh! My hair turned out super soft and pretty! I love it!~ And it only cost RMB$98! Deciding whether to reborn my hair. I want ! But I do not like it to be too straight too if not I would look so boring and rigid. Sigh.. Stress! :D
My hairdresser.
Jia Li
We headed over to Happy Restaurant for dinner after the whole process and we actually decided to go to the 建设七路 for flee shopping but we finished dinner at around 8.30 and decided not to go as we had curfew at 10pm. And we ordered 8 dishes for 13 people and do you know how we eat? We ate like hungry ghost and snatching food! LOLS! Damn joke and we finished everything till it was super clean. And the best thing about it is it only cost RMB$7 per person! HOW CHEAP WAS THAT!! Great dinner!
But many of us were to happy and hyper to head back so we went for a walk around the whole school campus and even sat at the badminton to have a HTHT; heart to heart talk. HAHAHAH! And yes! I finally saw the Nan Qiang guy they were talking about ! He was selling satay and he refused to collect our money. We felt so bad and left the money there and he even ran away to avoid the money. He really looks damn cute! I should take a photo of him the next time I see him (: hehehehe.
Do you know how they call the stylist in the salon we went? They are called by NUMBERS! Like they do not have a name instead, numbers. Who will call each other by numbers! Like kinda weird don't you think so!
And in China, stray dogs are damn good breed! They are always so pretty unlike in Singapore, Strays are all ugly dogs. LOLS! Oppies, sorry to be so mean. Their noodle stall we went today is quite traditional, they cook their food outside like in the olden days. I really had a taste of the longing past.
I am very reluctant to go home you know! It's the 22nd day and we have left with 10 more days to enjoy in this enchanted island of Wuhan. I am already getting used to it or perhaps already used to the environment over here and longing to stay for a longer period of time! I think it's pretty cool living here as things are so cheap, having friends all around you and so on and fro. Time is passing very quickly right now. All I can do is to cherish whatever time I have left now. I'm soon to be home people!

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