Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 25 - Practical Test!

Morning people! It’s the day of our practical test! Gosh! Hopefully I can do well for it. Kind of lost somewhere sometimes. Well, our paper started at 10am and really gosh! I threw away 2 huge questions. I do not really have to time to do and I really do not know how to do. Why so many really?! How many marks did I throw away? Hmmm, 23 mark! Oh my~ Never mind, I’m still learning. It’s like a stepping stone to everything new (:

The test ended at 11.30am and we were told to do our project in the afternoon so there won’t be any lessons. We had packed lunch from the canteen and went back to rest and did some work before meeting up with A-Team for our project work. Initially, my roommates and I planned to go shopping today after afternoon lessons but we had project to do. But we finished and left the bunk at around 5.30pm. We headed to 步行街street market for shopping! YAY! We were all so excited and I felt damn good man! Like so happy and I just do not know why. Just very happy. Lawls!
We took a cab there and arrived at 6.45pm. We decided to take a cab there as journey to the other side of Wuhan is tough and long. Getting a cab was tedious work! There just isn’t any cab around! And it only cost us RMB$25. How cheap! But Houng Sheng and friends’ cab was super expensive! They got spammed by the cab driver and it cost them RMB$40+. Wow! That’s a lot man!

Anyway, we reached the streets at 7pm and packed Mac for dinner on the way while shopping. We want to save time as curfew is at 10pm! We got separated, so Shi Ling, Liang Xun and I had our shopping together! (: And there goes our shopping~! Bought *many* stuff but there isn’t much to see. Like more expensive compared to建设七路we went the other day. But we still spend. HAHAH! We left the streets at 9.15pm and took a cab back to the hostel. I was already beat but I still want to shop more! 1.5 hour of shop ain’t enough for us girls man! We will be back another day and I decided to go shopping anytime possible in the evening when we are free!

I acually pressed the thing to allow the straw to come out but it did not work.
And realised it had to be pressed! What a joke! And Shi Ling did the same too. HAHAH


We are going to the mountains tomorrow! 武当山! I am kind of excited to leave for the mountains as I really love the rural! It’s damn relaxing. Have to wake up early tomorrow and we will be leaving on the bus at 6.45am! That’s early right! Don’t want to be late as I really do not want to pay any fine! I only left with RMB$300! Hate it that I am so poor!
And in China, you really have to check the meter when you board the cab if not you will get cheated like Houng Sheng and friends. Seriously, the meter jumped was really drastic. I was glad that my cab driver was honest. And please do check the meter when you board any cab before getting yourself spammed. I really pity Houng Sheng and friends. It really made them not in a good mood for shopping.


  1. hi, I am back! Haha...Just spending some little time in Kathmandu to check your blog.

    Oh mine, your test starts at 10am and ended at 1130pm?!!! So long?!! haha...

    The taxi driver in KL can be worst! But he is stupid too, he tried to charge me RM300 for a RM10 journey! Outrageous right?! I scolded him and refused to pay, in the end, only pay him RM10. I am fortunate to know the exact price, because I know KL pretty well!

  2. LOLS!! HAHAHA! Oppies! WRONG WRONG !(: Edited ! (: Hate cab drivers who scam money sia! ):
