Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32 - Farewell Dinner

A-TEAM woke up early this morning as we will be filming for our project. We went for breakfast at the back street as I mentioned I will be going there everyday for the next 2 days. 热干面 for breakfast man! Good nooodleeessss man! Headed to get more breakfast and went back to eat before heading out to film more. And we also visited the library and did some filming there (:

Well, everyone left to the basketball court this afternoon but I didn't went. I was sick and felt like resting in the bunk instead. They came back at around 3pm and some headed out to Walmart first to do some shopping before the farewell dinner tonight. And as for me, I took a nap in my room and left with the rest later on. Everyone took like HOURS to get ready. It seems like prom you know! Dressing up nicely. Asking friends to style our hair. Asking friends to judge our outfit and fix them up for us. It feels great you know! (: Prom last year for me was just my mum and I dressing up myself.

We wanted to take cab there as we were running late. But we took a bus there instead. Met the rest and headed over to some where for dinner. International buffet. But I have no idea where is that place called. Food there was...... urh.. Nothing much to comment. We also took many photographs together to treasure every moment left in Wuhan. I will miss you Wuhan.

See! Edward styling Yu Chuan's hair! :D

Golden Hans~ Dinner~
In China, people really do eat half naked when they are warm.
They make sushi in a very different way man!
Local Students with me (:
We left at 9 and everyone was slacking outside but not for me man! I wanna go Walmart to shop and Bossman, Jamie, Liang Xun and I rushed there and we bought some stuff! We even packed it into a carton! Easier to carry and easier to bring it home (: hehehehe. We rushed back to take bus back to hostel before 10pm!
It's the second last night here in Wuhan and I really have to treasure it! I packed some of my stuff and more tomorrow. Pack some first before I do not have time to pack tomorrow!
The moon tonight! (:
Carton of food from Walmart! (:

My super messy room! In the mids of packing.


I am so sorry that I missed the Basketball match people. I was really very tired and sick so I decided to stay in if not I wouldn't be able to make it for the Farewell dinner. Anyway, I realised China man really don't mind what people think about them and just eat half naked when they are warm. Like outside is home. But no way anyone would do that in Singapore. And the way they make sushi is real different. Instead of rolling up rice balls, they use this plastic thing to squeeze all the rice inside. Kinda cool but of course the traditional way is much better! (:

Dinner was awesome! We even had prize presentation to the local student for their hospitality over here. And many many group photos! I will really miss this place! Sigh. All right Brenda, stop saying you will miss this place. You will get emotional soon! Please stop! Anyway, we had fun didn't we?

And I realised in Wuhan, bus services stop servicing at around 10.45-11pm. Unlike in Singapore, bus services continue all the way till 12-1am. And even have a night bus around. Cool urh. I guess China just wanna save energy and electricity.

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