Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 24 - Barbeque!

Hello earthlings! We had normal lesson in the morning of 7 October 2010. 10 more days to the end of the whole trip and 12 more days to my birthday! :D
We learnt about leadership of a project manager and even watched 2 parts of a movie, Battlestar Galaticia and Elizabeth. And after watching parts of the movie, we have to write a report summary about how they are being a leader. Lesson ended at 11 and we met at 11.30 outside our hostel. Bought some drinks and tidbits and left for the Barbeque pit at
*I really do not know where*. We were told that the bus journey to our destination will take about an hour and I didn’t know they changed the plan to somewhere else which was super far and we had to walk there by foot!

Before setting off and getting some tidbits.

We saw many things along the way and took about an hour getting there. I was already so beat when I reached there. But luckily there was Edward and his nonsense enlightening us along the way. We were the last one to reach and we were almost lost. The others were too front and we can’t see where they went. But we still found our way eventually.

Cool bark of army~

People making mattress.

Walking walking~ This is also the place where we went for jog.
Doggy that look like a HORSE!.


Abandon soccer field!
Grassy land everywhere!
After settling down for awhile, the local students started preparing and starting the fire already. Starting the fire was different compared to Singapore’s’ as they used firewood instead of fire starter. There was this huge hammock over there and Dyana and I went to lie on it as we didn’t feel like helping out just yet. HAHAH! Lazy! :X And Yi Xian joined us soon after. We lay there till we felt guilty for not helping and helped out (: BBQ MUSHROOM! And the Barbeque begins! .

Jo and one of the local students.
There was this community centre beside the pit too. There are basketball courts, badminton court, table tennis, pool table, fitness corner and many more. We went exploring and we played basketball and table tennis for awhile inside and back to BBQ again. They even bbq the gizzard, I do not know how to type it in Chinese but it’s the hard and crunchy part of the chicken. I love it man! I keep barbequing it nonstop. Really nonstop! HAHAHA! (:

Playing table tennis with local students.

Anyway, we barbeque till around 3.55pm and were bored so we went to try out their roller blading beside the BBQ Pit. It only cost RMB$5 for the old school blade and RMB$10 for roller blades. So why not give it a try! And they even provide disposable socks. So Yi Xian, Liang Xun, Yuhaw and I went together. HAHAHA! Damn funny and scary at the start. It’s been so long since we roller blade and gosh! It’s scary! But after awhile, I got used to it and I can skate already. And I even tried the old school skates. I thought it is damn easy as it’s on four wheels but NO WAY MAN! It’s damn tough! We skated for about an hour and stopped as we were tired and didn’t want to skate anymore.

The old school skates were really tough and I had to roll myself. Lols!
It was 5pm when we left and headed over to walk along the riverside. I wanted to go over there as the sun is setting and I want to watch the sunset. That is my favorite thing in the world! (: So relaxing. Took some photograph of the sun and me and headed back into the community centre to join the rest in their mini games. I played badminton and table tennis with the local students too (:

But after awhile I couldn’t stand those mosquitoes buzzing around me and I left to watch the river alone thinking that there wouldn’t be any outside. But no, there were as many! Pissed, I left earlier and headed back to the hostel. Also, I feel like going back to rest and do my stuff. But I really feel like going back as soon as possible as my tummy hurts, gotta poop so Liang Xun and I headed back first. Waiting for more people will make me poop on my pants! We wanted to cab back but there isn’t any cab around that place. It was really very deserted. So we walked and flag any car that zooms passed. And finally, a car stopped and offered to send us back at RMB$8. All rights then! Hopped onto the 黑车 and headed back! I have to study for the practical test I will be having tomorrow.


I didn’t realize that movies really do teach people stuff. And even teaches us about being a leader. How cool is that! And that route we walked to the barbeque pit was the road we ran the other day. But we didn’t run all the way to the pit area. And the way they have their barbeque is totally different from Singapore’s. They use metal sticks instead of satay sticks. What they barbeque over here is totally different from Singapore’s. In Singapore, Chicken wings, satay, and so on but here, they barbeque lettue, gizzard, mushroom, weird meat and blah blah. They use oil instead of butter too! And many many other weird seasoning. But it tastes all rights except it to be SALTY. Very Salty!
And their roller blade area is terrible. They should maintain it and keep all the mosquitos’ away man! But it’s all rights though as we had fun didn’t we people?! (: I had fun playing sport games with the local students there (: heheheh. That’s all folks! Nights!

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