Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 26 - 武当山

Hellos people! It is early early in the morning when I woke up to set off on a exciting weekend trip to 武当山! We left at 6.45am and took a 5 hours journey ride there. Luckily I brought along my laptop to keep me entertained. And I watched the first part of Coraline! (:
We arrived that our destination at 12.15pm and had lunch (: Yay! Kinda like trips like this as there will be MANY THOUSAND food and dishes on the table served to me! I can just eat them all (: Yay!

Then, we headed to the entrance to 武当山 and took a shuttle bus around the mountains. Security is real tight there and you even have to scan your finger print before going in. And the ticket cost RMB$200! S$40!! Today, we will be visiting three places of the mountains. The roads are really curvy and twisty, making us turn to side to side.
The ticket
The map of the whole mountain.
Bus which said to be saving the earth.
Curvy roads!


This flower SMELLS DAMN GOOD !
Making the place smell damn good too! :D
Yuhaw said in the olden days, people use this to train their muscles.
LOLS? I also don't know.
We were introduced to tea too!
And I bought TWO packs of tea! (: Two for RMB$50.



The red things on the trees are wishing good luck things.
They even sell ling zhi here. Might be fake one! Don't anyhow buy!
People learning martial arts.
Old school clothes!
Even ang mo learn the marital arts.
This really SMELL DAMN GOOD !
And stairs around REALLY STEEP!

This thing is for people to carry people
when they are too tired to walk up and down the mountain top.
Like this! But I damn pity the people who carry the chair.
Climbing up and down the mountains. It's really a damn tiring job for them.
And it really cost damn expensive!
This is the biggest tree with all the goodluck charms on it.
We met everyone else at 6pm and left to take the shuttle bus back to entrance. The ride back to the entrance took 50minutes and I slept on the way back and I was damn giddy when I reached the bottom. I feel terrible and kinda sick. Headache, cough, little flu. CRAP! Am I going to fall sick? We walked back to the carpark and board our own bus and headed to the hotel nearby. I was feeling very tired and I really don't feel good. We went to put our stuff down in the room and headed downstairs for dinner. I didn't eat much and left earlier to rest in my room.
Went back to shower and I felt I was a little freshened up (: And the rest went to the supermarket nearby to get food for tomorrow's hike and breakfast too. Everyone left so I followed the rest and bought some stuff too. Then, we headed back to our hotel room and rest.

My room mate! (:
Nicholas's room is some suite! Even have a computer and it's free!!


I realised I am very lucky to be a Singaporean. I can afford all the accomodations provided and even have the chance to bring my laptop around. Not many China people can afford laptop like I do. And things are so cheap over here. I can spend like .......... a lot! In Singapore, I can only get one top for S$20, but in China, I can get FOUR tops for S$20!

The trip to Wudang Mountains was a great experience for me, learning what the Taoist Temple is all about and many more. And I feel damn sad whenever one of the man carrying people up the mountain. Why must they tourture these people. You have legs, you can climb. You do not need extra help! Sigh.. I feel very sad for those people carrying. And those man are as old as my dad! How can people allow middle aged people to carry younger people up the mountains.

And their sign boards around the mountains are damn cute can! All in broken English. HAHAH! Damn funny (: I even ate ice cream when the weather up the in mountain was very cold. LOL! :X And the hotel room, it's damn good ! I love the bed! Kinda sick of the hostel's super thin mattress as it's hard, squiky when I move. Making so much noise at night. I'm sure gonna miss the hotel !

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