Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 19 - 步行街

Hellos folks! It's a bright and sunny Saturday today, a good day for shopping on the streets of the enchanted island of Wuhan! We girls were all excited and got ready even before the clock strikes 9. Whereas the guys were all lazy and taking their own sweet time. So instead of everyone leaving for 步行街, only 4 guys left for it while the rest will join us later in the afternoon.

During the ride to步行街, we bump into the photographer that took photos for us at the new campus. And chatted a little and he was telling like random people about us being from Singapore and came here to study for a month and so on. Wth? Anyway, we went for brunch at 大娘 which is a dumpling shop. I ate a set meal which cost RMB$18 for 10 dumplings and a bowl of beef slice tanghoon. I was so hungry that I finished it all and did not even share a single bit. We also bought a cool tasting strawberry milk tea with fillings inside for $8. And soon after that, we went our separate ways. Boys and boys, girls and girls! & shopping began.

Dumplings with Beef Slice Noodles

Anyway, I am not elaborating much about the shopping part but we went to three different malls to shop and we all were satisfied! :D Finally a real productive shopping! Going home with many big bags and small bags!
We were suppose to meet the rest at 5pm to go for dinner together and take a ferry back to the other side of Wuhan but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were told to have dinner ourselves and to meet everyone else at 7.30pm to go back home. Well, we girls went Pizza Hut for dinner and they have like Rice, Steak and so on which do not have in Singapore. And I ate Honey Chicken Chop (:

My Honey Chicken Chop.

Now that I had done some shopping, I feel that something has been accomplished and I’m ready to go home. But not exactly too. As I said before, I really feel like staying for a longer time to explore the place and get more stuff before going back home. If not, I really do want to stay a bit longer. But in fact I really do miss home but want to explore this place a little longer. Anyway, most of us are going to the theme park tomorrow! Like finally! YAY!! I can’t wait! Update you peeps tomorrow then! Nights people!

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