Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 28 - Team Building

I woke up later this morning as our morning lesson had been pushed back to the afternoon as we were all dead tired due to the climb yesterday and to the late arrival back to our hostel. So lessons in the afternoon yo! :D Boy am I glad that it was being pushed back! I could get extra sleeeep!! But screw it that I had awfully terrible muscle ache on my both calves! And I almost fell when I woke up this morning as I forgot that my knee was injured ._. LOL!

I got ready at 11pm where we girls met outside our hostel to prepare for our dance for tomorrow Cultural interaction. Dance practice again! We finalised our positions and dance to perfection. And we even practice outside our hostel as we wanted to take a video of us dancing. But got videoed my some pervert local Wuhan boys and we had a drama by getting them to delete our video.

Anyway, we rushed to class after that and had a Team Building game! (: Mr Chia asked me if I wasn't feeling very well, I need not appear for lesson. I was sick, having cough and flu with a injured knee and spinning head. But I still made it to lesson (: I do not want to miss anything! (:

Oh well, we engaged in a very interesting activity today where by we were told to build a paper bridge made out of 30 papers and a few paper clips! And also, it had to withstand the weight of heavy books! The purpose has something to do with our very last lecture, Team & Diversity.

You know, the first thing when Ms Hock told us what to do, I was like CRAZY! How to do it?! Where got such thing! But since she gave us this activity, of course it's possible! And A-TEAM cracked up with ideas over ideas! Drew out our ideas and combining them. Jia Li with a pillars, HanHui with suspension, Brenda with the base support, Liang Xun with the wrapping together. Combine together and many other ideas made us a very strong team! And after an hour or so, we completed our bridge and put it up for action! And gosh I never knew that it would happen, but it actually worked and even withstand the weight of a LAPTOP too!

Here's the process of A-TEAM!

Though it looks ugly and unstable!
Please do not underestimate the power of A-TEAM!



I am glad that we did a exciting acitivity instead of a lecture today to keep everyone pumped up and excited. Isn't it cool! I never knew it would be so strong! Bridge out of paper withstanding books and laptop.

Through this activity, I can see that every member in my group are working well and hard. No one is slacking and not doing anything. Each of us have different ideas and view about how things should be done, getting together and discussing, then finally deciding on one final idea puts every part of us together. Alone, I may have ideaS but among the ideaS, which one is the best. Maybe one particular part is best and other parts are crap. But when we work as a team, we combine our ideas and take out the best of us. Putting them together and THERE YOU GO! A wonder piece being build upon us.

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