Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 23 - Happiness!

Morning people of lala land once again. Why do I always type that? o.o

We had our usual lesson of Project Management this morning. We were given an introduction about SecondLife before having our lecture. That programme is used by many people around the globe to communicate with other people everywhere virtually. We were released earlier today but not for relaxation, it's for us to do our project. Since lesson ended of earlier, we all went back to our hostel to put our things down before heading over to 建设二路 for lunch. We decided to walk around and stop at any cool shop we see for lunch but nothing nice we saw and went back to the noodle shop we went yesterday for lunch. Jia Li and Eliza already had that yesterday and the day before and today, they are going to have it again. And as for Michelle, Houng Shen and I, we ate anything and went for the Lamb noodle instead. It was good! Feel like packing home for my dad to try! HAHAHA (:

I can't believe people do wear PJs out you know!

They are plucking feathers out of the Chicken and there were blood on the ground too!
I never seen this in my life before!
He is studying and colouring out in the open. Kinda poor thing!
.So many fanciful cake! Never seen so many fanciful cake in Singapore before.

My lamb noodles!
Midway of our lunch, LiangXun called and asked where were we and that he wants to have
Lamb noodles for lunch too. So he came over and joined us for lunch. We met the rest after lunch outside the shop and ohya! I forgot to mention about LiangXun's hair! Yuhaw and LX went for a hair cut and when I first saw them, GOSH! What is wrong with LX hair! Yuhaw looked good in his new hair but not to LX. But when everyone met up and went shocked over LX's hair, we think it's kinda cute on him. Much neater too! And I think it looks like the orange little alien in Chicken Little. LOLS!
Look!! DOESN'T HE LOOK like the Little orange Alien in Chicken Little!
. Anyway, since we had time, we went for little grocery shopping before heading back to the hostel to get our work done. Project project project! Blog blog blog! Here I come! But I did till I was so tired and sleepy and took a very long nap. LOLS! oppies!
In the evening, we took a bus over to 建设七路 for dinner and flee market shopping! We had dinner at a western restaurant and I have some weird tasting beef steak which tasted like CHICKEN. And the service there was horrible till Nicholas, Houng Sheng and LiangXun was like CALL THE MANAGER PLEASE! Like almost everyone was unhappy with the staff over there. We ate till about 8.20pm and headed over to the flee market. But before that, we bought breakfast at a cool bakery! :D

My chicken tasting beef.
I was pretty amused by the flying glowing thing and I just went to buy it! Lols! It is damn useless but I just went to buy it. The flee was a very long stretch of stuff. And we walked all the way down. Bought many stuff too and I can't believe it that I BOUGHT STICKERS! Cause they are so damn cute and I cannot resist those temptations! Bought 5 packs of them! They are just too cute! HAhahah! I bought a haversack too. Looks nice but please don't mention the cute word! Cause I don't really want to buy cute stuff! Like so act cute. But without telling my friends not to mention the cute word, they really said it was nice and not cute! (: I was glad.
Shopping was fun and everyone was reluctant to leave the place for home. And Mr Chia called and told us to be back by 10.15pm if not everyone would have to pay a fine! So everyone ran and took a cab back but we were all still late but 5 minutes and have to pay RMB$20. Washed up and blog and nights people!
Cool old school cotton candy machine!
How cool is that to see someone plucking chicken feathers out in the open? You never seen it before haven't you? But I did. Kinda tourturing though. I felt so fortunate that we can just buy chicken in the market in Singapore and do not have to pluck the feathers out on our own. Everything is done in the factory and everything is so easy.
How I wish today was just like any other day. I felt so relaxed for once! Shopping, project and a nap in the afternoon. Lessons in the morning. I love today! I really wish it was just like any other day!

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