Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 20 - Themepark!

Morning people of lala-land! Today marks the start of a new adventure! Theme park day! YAY! I was looking forward to this day for so long.

We met downstairs at 9am this morning and headed to the back street for breakfast. I was famished and I bought like Large Soya Bean Milk, Two 包, one rice stick with fillings inside. What a big appetite I had! We took the bus to 中山公园, and something happened on the bus. There is this one woman, who keep turning hard and her hair keep smacking onto Weilin. Lawls! Then it was really unbearable. And I was criticizing loudly about her swinging hair and she still did it on purpose. It was really a joke. An inside one. LOLS!

Their mailbox is different from ours in Singapore.
Theirs are like the ones in London but green, not red.

This is the firecracker!

Anyway, when we alighted the bus, we walked into the park and I was wondering why are we in a park? I thought we were going to a theme park? Then the local students told us this is the theme park but it’s further inside. We stopped at the heart of the whole park and took photographs and ran around. We bought ice cream too!
I realized it wasn’t exactly a theme park but more than a park with rides in it. We were all so excited to take thrilling rides and first stop, the shoot high high one. Lols! I do not know what that is called. I didn’t ride that as I was damn scared. That was the only ride I didn’t dare to take in my whole entire life man! Most of them took it and said it was nothing and not fun at all. Cause it didn’t go up on a full speed and you will know when it is dropping down. Unlike in Genting, it stays up there for a long period of time before dropping down. You won’t know when it’s dropping and there are so many thrills in it.

I felt like eating villina ice cream and urh....
vinilla in China is equals to Cream. Taste a bit weird.

The shoot high high ride.

Next, we headed over to the most thrilling ride the local students told us. And most of us went to ride it! It was damn fun! And I want to ride it another time! And Nicholas, who was damn terrified of these rides, took it after much convince. Hahahah! And yup, he did enjoy it and did not curse and swear when he came down (:

Our long list of tickets; RMB$20 each.

It is like a spinning viking ship.

And after that ride, many of them were all so dead and didn’t want to ride anymore. WHY PEOPLE! Come here must play mahs! But Dyana and I want MORE! The first ride didn’t give us the thrill and we headed over to the roller coaster (: YAY! But only 6 people took it as the rest really didn’t want to try! Sigh. What a waste! You took the effort to come here already, why not just pay for it and just enjoy. Come here to take a ride or two, like so boring. Like you are already here, why not just pay and do it! That’s my philosophy! :D Here, just do it before even you regret it or whatsoever. Even though it’s expensive, just pay for it! You might not come back here anymore. But in Singapore, you can still consider as you are living on this land. What a waste to those people! I wanted to ride more but sigh. Not many people want to play anymore. I love thrills but I am terrified of them! But why not just give it a try, you never know you like it! :D

We went into the haunted house next and it was really a waste of money and time! Lols! Stupid dumb thing. Not scary at all. So we headed over to the flying chair, and I love that ride, I will ride it whenever I see it. But I was kinda disappointed as ride wasn’t thrilling at all but instead, enjoyable and yet relaxing. And just to add on, the rides are all pay per ride. So you have to pay to ride it, no entrance fee (:

And it was already 2.30pm when we took our last ride. It was kinda boring over at the theme park you know! Not many people want to join in the fun that we were having. Sigh. What a waste! Must like me, I love thrills but are afraid of them. Just go ahead as I know they are fun. It's a part and parcel of life.
Anyway, we were running late and we took one more last ride, which called the NanFang. Lols! Sounds so horrible right. The ride looks very scary and crazy as it hits us all over the place. But seriously, that was the most awesome ride ever there! Like finally! An awesome fun ride I’ve been waiting for before I leave this place. If not my life wouldn’t be complete or something. LOLS! Like everything is accomplished for today! Hahahahahs!

We slowly headed back to the entrance and went to the opposite mall for a very late lunch and a very early dinner. It was at some Singaporean restaurant the local students said. Food Merlion 1996. We were given a card to top up cash and buy food from inside using the card. Food there are much more like Singapore but not really too. LOLS! I ate Char Siew plus goose rice. Not bad. While the rest was still enjoying their food, I went down first to get some skin care products as it will be much cheaper to get it here than in Singapore. Met everyone downstairs and we walked to the bus stop over at the other side of everything and took the bus back to the hostel.
While walking back, we passed by many beggars and I felt so pity for them. One was knocking his head the floor begging for money. Another was kneeling on the floor with chalk written words on the ground. Another one painting Mona Liza on the ground and it was damn good man! Look below for the pictures!
Look at the damn awesome painting!
. And in china, they also use the coin adding machine for the car park like in the United States. Unlike in Singapore, we use the coupon method. But the coin method like more environmental friendly ahs.


It was only 6.30pm when we reached our hostel and I thought it was already 8 plus. The sky turned dark so quickly in autumn and winter. There are so many differences compared to China and Singapore. Even the sunset timing has a different. Theme park day was fun anyway as the last ride was awesome man seriously. Only us 5 person will truly enjoy this ride man! It was great! Everything for today is accomplished. And do you know that the rides there aren't cheap. It's counted by per ride. And Wuhan's standard of living is lower but there were many kids there too. Like parents really don't mind paying so much just to make their kids happy. If it was me, I would do the same too of course.

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