Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 17 - Tasty Milk

We had PM practical in the morning today and we finished the whole thing already! :D Yay! It seemed so quick! Time pass so quickly too. Anyway, we had Vegetarian lunch at HanHui' again. Like for dinner last night and for today's lunch too. But seriously, the vegetarian is damn good! Really! Damn good! Hahaha! Maybe I eat a little more, I will get terribly sick of it. Anyway, we made the last touches of our PowerPoint slide and presented it at 3pm. We were suppose to present it to the whole class but I do not know due to what, we presented to Mr Chia only! :D heheheh.

And yes! I drank TWO packs of milk today! Can't wait for more milk! I am not very use to not drinking milk as I love milk and drink it almost every morning! And I just realised the hostel provision shop sells milk! I am going to have it EVERY morning man! And it taste DAMN good like Magnolia Milk!
And yes too! I finally got some time to do some editing to my blog! :D
Edited the first few post and my layout too.

Anyway, I thought I won't be going out. A knock came at 6.45pm asking us whether we want to go to the Vegetarian restaurant for dinner. The boss treating us steamboat and he purposely closed the shop for us as he earned alot income from us. So most of us went and had super spicy steamboat there. I ate a lot man! I love the spiciness! Totally awesome! He wanted us to go play pool but we had much more things to do and rejected the boss man. Sigh. I think he's damn disappointed la. We must repay him one day man! Before we go back. He is really a very kind man!

And the boss taught us how to fold this and the ingredients to it.
This is really damn nice!

We girls headed for shopping along the back street while some went back first and some went to the supermarket. And I bought a cool pinky sweater. Crap! Cause I have like 10+ sweaters at home already! And I still get sweater. Sigh.. I want to get tops and bottoms please!!! HAHAH! Went back after and talked to my family and loved ones! Yay!! :D
Nothing much happened for today but it was really kind of the boss of the vegetarian restaurant to treat us a meal man! Some more it's a huge one! And I realised that no one started the meal until everyone was here. Was we waited for Weilin, Yi Xian and Agnes for almost 30minutes before everyone could start dinner. They should finish eating before going shopping. But we had a great dinner too! :D Everyone was so happy and joy was shared among everyone.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16 - COCA COLA!

Morning people! Woke up early early this morning once again as we are going to the Coca Cola factory. Sounds interesting ehs? :D we all meet at classroom block at 8.15 and headed over to the factory. It was at the other side of the bridge!

When we arrived there, we were brought to a multi-function room where they showed us a video about the history about Coca Cola and the history of this factory. And we were given a bottle each too! Although I hate Coke and frizzing drinks so much but I drink ¾ glass of coke! Can’t believe it right! Cause I kept playing with the glass bottle, blowing into it making noises. HAHAH!

After which, we were brought to the manufacturing are after that. I was pretty amused by the whole process. Bottles being stick, being washed, being filled, being capped, being inspected, being packed and stored in the warehouse.

Here's a video on the process! :D

After the cool process, we were lead to another room which was all on display items. Pretty cool items. I’m pretty sure that everyone enjoyed their time in that room as I did too (: Cool Coca Cola related items and merchandise.

This shows that the rate of sales of Coke that is still rising and will expect it to be rising still.
It was only filled till 2009 on the amount they are earning.
I'm as pretty as her! :X lol
All the crazy dude!
Even Mr Chia too!

We headed back and had lunch in school. I ate Egg Tomato Fried Rice. Lols! I think everyone damn crazy about Egg Tomato. Lessons started at 2pm this after as we came back late. We had OIE presentation about the differences and similarities of Singapore and China.
Lesson ended and some people wanted to go for a jog. I wanted to ): but I was rushing for time. I had to complete our project for tomorrow presentation and I had to blog to date!

We had vegetarian for dinner as HanHui ordered for us. Thanks boss man! And we continued doing our project till late. I think that’s about it for today (: Goodbyes!


Do you know that in China, an average production will run up to 1.5 million of Coca Cola products each day. I wonder how rich are they! Earning so much! And thanks to this trip, I am able to brighten up my spirits and my inner self and gain more knowledge about how everything works! I even watch discovery channel on how stuff works at home and this time, I am watching it live in front of me! I am a fortunate child! :D

And after the OIE project presentation, I got a better understanding about the differences and the similarities between China and Singapore. There are so much differences and so much in common you know! I am having a fun trip anyway if you ask (:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 15 - Steel w PANIC

Morning people! We woke up early this morning as we had to meet everyone at class 502 at 8am. We are going to Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Factory for an industrial visit. I wasn’t very excited about it as I thought it was going to very BORING! But it turned out not (: It was really interesting to see how the iron was being melted into molten iron and being pressed slowly into a long thin iron. Weather was cold this morning and I wore double shirt with a sweater but when I was in the factory I straight away took my sweater. The heat was strong even though we were standing quite far and high away from the machines. The process was really cool and I slowly took my time to look around (:

There below will help you understand the process like I do virtually.

PM lecture started at the same time as usual. We learnt about Project Cost today. Seriously, I think PM lesson are kind of interesting but they are kind of boring. Lols! Kind of contradicting right? I know. Project Cost seems like so difficult and complicated man! But doing it seems so fun. HAHAHA.

Apparently, nothing much had happened for today. But at about 10pm, Weilin and I wanted to shower and there wasn’t any WATER!! *panic* The water pressure had cut off. And Nicholas was bathing half way when the water cut off and he had to jump from room to room to finish showering with the tiny left over running water. But in the end, he had to use our mineral water to rinse himself. We had to go to the other block to collect water. And guess what! Eudora’s room got locked again. She forgot to bring out her key once again and Liang Xun and Mr Chia had to ply open their door again. They are damn silly about the key! After the first incident, we separated the keys already but this time, Eudora brought out her luggage key instead of the room key. LOL much! And so much of separating the keys.


I was rather glad that I didn’t miss out on the iron making! It was really exciting! Actually, I am a very science loving person and I so call know a lot about sciences. And this industrial trip made me experience what I should be experiencing in Secondary School Chemistry. I miss those exciting science lessons I had been attending in Secondary School! Sigh. Too bad that I can’t make it into Biomedical Science and made it into International Supply Chain Management instead. But I didn’t regret! :D so why not!